Monday, March 21, 2011

Things that I love

The sound of my children making music in our home....

 a "B" on the violin

Noah drumming it up

Michael learning the guitar

The glorious "Pearl Maxwell" camelia blooimg profusely in our yard


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spring on the way!

We get eggs each week from Grandma D's daughter, Laurie. We visited her chicken farm in Alsea today. Just so happens a few chicks hatched while we were there. How exciting!

This is Matthew holding a baby chick born within the hour. Mama was ruffled but let us hold them.

This little chicky was pecking it's way out. Here are Noah and Matthew hearing the pecking. The eggs are labeled with a marker for tracking.

Visiting Doris

Today we went to Alsea to wish one of Michael's patients a happy 80th birthday. She is not just "anyone", but rather we call her Grandma D. D is for Doris. She has brought Michael cookies every week for over 3 years. Doris has a joy in the LORD that will bring you to tears. She is always oozing with joy, no matter how much she hurts (her heart is weak) or what life brings ( last year her little house burned down, nothing made it).

This is Grandma D with the blanket we gave her for her birthday. Bless you today!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow Day!

The alarm went off at 6:30 and I could hear the scurry of little footstep down our creeky stairs to check outside for snow. And then I heard squeels of joy, "No School! Snow Day!" Visions of sledding, sipping hot cocoa, and playdates danced in their heads! And so it was....a wonderful snow day!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Birthday Boy!

Our Michael turned 10 years old today!  Oh how we love this boy!

Michael has never liked birthday cake so we have always opted for something else, like pudding. Mmmm. Homemade pudding.

So we enjoyed his favorite dindin (grilled shrimp, linguini, caesar salad and bread). We prayed over him and then toasted with pudding!

And then there was Noah! Bag boy :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mr. Noah

This is our Little Noah. He has road rash from falling on the cement at Daddy's office. Keeping up with "His boyz" as he calls them is hard work. But he is determined to act twice his age.

Preciousness. He takes to pen and paper and scissors every day for hours. Above is a "homemade bible".  Melts my heart. And then some flowers he gathered for me while playing outside. Most beautiful bouquet a mother could ever receive.

And then the finale of the week - "Mommy, come right away I have a surprise for you on the potty." "O Noah, you have been potty trained for nearly 2 years. What in the world are you talking about?" "Mommy, just come!" And then--indeed. Little rainbows. I love rainbows a lot. And he knows. Who would have thought I could gaze a my toilet with such endearment.

The Big Red Ball

Mom and Dad Gray blessed us with the Big Red Ball. It's a massive blow-up hollow ball with an opening to climb inside. Holds up to a 150 pounds. One climbs in and gets rolled around. Crazy fun. Just watch out for dog poop. We learned he hard way. Yikes.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Love this game!

Matthew getting ready to rebound (his opponent snoozing). Michael driving to the hoop. 

So we have found a sport that all three boys LOVE. Basketball. And I love it too because it is inside (we live in Oregon :) Lots of strategy. Lots of running. It's a match. Paul says in the book of Colossians:          

"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."
All in the name of Jesus means basketball, too. Stay humble boys. Work hard. Rejoice in victory. Be good losers. Share the ball. Encourage your teammates.  Don't give up. And remember that two H's that Papa taught you: Hustle and Have fun!

Virtual Virtuosos

Michael and Matthew had their first violin recital this past saturday. What a joy for us to see them perform on stage! Matthew had a small solo to the song, "Ode to Joy". He smiled at the audience the whole time, not skipping a beat. Michael was positioned further in the back so our view was limited, but from what I could tell, he was spot on. What JOY you bring to our hearts.
Great job boys!

Monday, January 24, 2011

A New Day

I finally did it. I started a BLOG. Miracles do happen. We are fasting and praying this week. Seeking the LORD with all our hearts. There is a worship song that keeps coming to me today, a song that I'm echoing in prayer....

I am empty but I know your love does not run dry.
You are my day, You are my night.
You are my love and all of my life.
You are the love I need, You are the air I breathe
You are My Love, My Life, always forever.
I would lay down my life, just to be by your side
You are My Love, My Life, always forever.

Michael and Matthew are just home off the bus. I hear footsteps up the stairs. Noah is thrusting his beenie kitty named Zola in my face to get my attention :)

Here we are on New Year's Day doing our first ever family run. In Roseburg.  Stomping through the snow. Ipods in hand. Joy in or hearts. A new Year. A new Day.

Welcome 2011.